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::Water Treatment Plant Related Chemicals::

Is Drinking water or potable water safe enough to be consumed by humans or used with low risk of immediate or long term consumption! In most developed countries, the water supplied to households, commerce and industry meets drinking water standards, even though only a very small proportion is actually consumed or used in food preparation. Typical uses (for other than potable purposes) include toilet flushing, washing and landscape irrigation.

Over large parts of the world...

Over large parts of the world, humans have inadequate access to potable water and use sources contaminated with disease vectors, pathogens or unacceptable levels of toxins or suspended solids. Drinking or using such water in food preparation leads to widespread acute and chronic illnesses and is a major cause of death and misery in many countries. Reduction of waterborne diseases is a major public health goal in developing countries.

Great News!! A Patented Compound Abolishes Your Misery Permanently.

(Brought to you by RWTL)

So many institutions or government bodies are taking many steps to achieve the targets. But still depends on Membrane Monopoly, UV-Radiation Hazard, Ill-effects of different activated materials ( and some of them are totally responsible for slow poison to death). Here we have some great news in the areas of potable water and abolishing the monopoly and hazard of Membrane Filtration, UV-Technique, Activated Alumina, etc. For more information you may contact Regional Water Testing Laboratory in this regard as they have that patented compound to remove above described difficulties.

Water has always been an important and life-sustaining drink...So always ask your provider for essential facts.

Water has always been an important and life-sustaining drink to humans and is essential to the survival of all known organisms. Excluding, water composes approximately 70% of the human body by mass. It is a crucial component of metabolic processes and serves as a solvent for many bodily solutes. The United States Environmental Protection Agency in risk assessment calculations previously assumed that the average American adult ingests 2.0 liters per day. However, the United States Environmental Protection Agency now suggests that either science-based age-specific ranges or an all ages level (based on National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2003-2006 data) be used. Drinking water of a variety of qualities is bottled. Bottled water is sold for public consumption throughout the world.



Training Scopes:In this section we can provide different training, modern methodology with global leader in instrument and chemical manufacturer like Merck (Germany), Hach (USA) and as well as routine programme may be arranged with Government Organizations like NEERI/KOL-ZL,PHE,CGWB,WBPCB and others.

Hot Topics:

Periodically we arrange here hot topics for Research Scholars, Students and Nature Lovers.

Publications:Topic of this Month

Periodically we publish here latest trends on Science & Technology, Development related to Water Quality, Air Quality, Ecology & Environmental Science, and Modern Testing Procedure. So you may send your article to the editor for publication and the best topic/article will be selected for award.

The Strongest Superbases: By Author: Andrew Hagan Source / Publisher: Angewandte Chemie International Edition/Wiley-VCH, Copyright: Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Non-ionic organosuperbases have attracted significant interest due to their practical applications in catalysis and synthesis, as well as for fundamental reasons. Numerous families of superbases have been investigated and proposed, although many of these remain virtually unexplored. Ivo Leito, Ilmar Koppel and colleagues, University of Tartu, Estonia, used DFT computations to study five families of potentially extremely strong superbases with the goal of predicting their basicity limits and finding the most promising core structures for further development. After proposing and validating a simple model for the dependence of basicity on the molecular framework, the researchers were able to demonstrate that guanidino phosphorus carbenes display the highest basicity limit of the compounds considered. The gas-phase basicities of these compounds are expected to reach 370 kcal mol−1, which exceeds the values for the strongest inorganic alkali metal oxides and the K3N superbase. Thus, guanidino phosphorus carbenes represent the strongest neutral bases ever reported.

Question and Answer Hour:

Here you may ask question on above said subject and our Dr. Genius will give you the best answer.


For any kind of help you may send your query to or You may ask for our books and journals for more help.